BUSI 111 Weekly Concept Review Quiz #6 (Ch 9. Confidence Interval Estimation and Ch 10. Hypothesis Testing)
- Due Apr 6 at 11:59pm
- Points 10
- Questions 10
- Time Limit 120 Minutes
- Allowed Attempts 3
BUSI 111 Business Statistics
Weekly Concept Review Quiz #6 (Ch 9. Confidence Interval Estimation and Ch 10. Hypothesis Testing)
- These questions are designed to help you better understand the material covered in class and prepare for exams. I strongly encourage you to attempt these questions to check whether you understand the basic definition/concept of business statistics.
- The solutions will be uploaded in a separate file on Canvas after the due date. If you need any further explanation regarding any question, do not hesitate to contact me.
- This problem set covers Module 9. Confidence Interval Estimation and Module 10. Hypothesis Testing
- This is an ONLINE Quiz on Canvas. (There is NO attached quiz document.) You have THREE chances to take the quiz and the highest score will be kept.
Only registered, enrolled users can take graded quizzes